How To Make Your School Wellness Programs Fun For Everyone
With childhood obesity rates on the rise constantly, many parents, educators, and other advocates for physical education in schools are trying to perfect the structure their school wellness programs. Not only is physical education being spent less time on in school, the children are suffering as a direct result of that. Want to know how to keep your school wellness programs in school and get the kids involved too? Pedometers USA has some tips on how to incorporate them in the time you have, and lead children to a healthier, more active lifestyle.
Turn the Program into a Game: By educating your kids through school wellness programs, you can also turn it into a fun learning experience for all. Turning the wellness program into a game can help to encourage participation – as well as making the program go by quicker because of all the fun they’re having. Our Fit4Ed program gets the kids moving – helping them learn about fitness through games, activities, and other fun events.
Incorporate other learning objectives into the program: Using other great subjects – like science and math – helps to put fitness into perspective for kids. With our Fit4Ed school wellness programs, you can help them to learn about math and science concepts, as well learning about what it means to live a healthy lifestyle.
Encourage healthy eating habits inside/outside the classroom: Making sure that you’re emphasizing healthy eating habits within your school wellness programs is essential. Not only do eating habits rely heavily on the way our body works, it’s also a factor in the amount of energy you’re exerting in a fitness regimen. Kids especially need to know how much is enough when it comes to eating the bad foods, so they can become stronger, healthier, and more active for years to come.